Brazilian flag


The Brazilian flag is easy to remember because of its unusual design and combination of colors. Its appearance is associated with important historical events. After independence and the creation of new states, the appearance of the cloth changed. But its elements symbolize the unbreakable connection with the past in the Kingdom.

This is what the flag of Brazil looks like:

Флаг Бразилии
Flag of the Federative Republic of Brazil

History of the flag

The first Brazilian flag appeared in 1822. The French artist Jean-Baptiste Debret made the main green cloth with a yellow diamond in the center. Inside the figure was a wreath of coffee and tobacco sprigs, which framed a picture of the Order of Christ and an armillary sphere with 19 stars in a circle. Above them was a crown of the monarch with diamonds.

Флаг Бразилии
The first flag of Brazil 1822

The branches were considered a symbol of the country’s wealth, the sphere represented Brazil as part of the Kingdom.

The choice of colors is associated with Pedro I. Legend has it that he removed the blue and white cockade (the symbol of Portugal) from his headgear. The prince announced that the new colors would be green and yellow. When Pedro proclaimed himself emperor, the imperial crown was placed on the flag.

Флаг Бразилии
Flag 1850—1889

On November 15, 1889, Brazil gained its independence. Four days after this event, the flag was approved, which included seven green and six yellow stripes. In the upper left corner there were 21 white stars on a dark blue background.

Флаг Бразилии
Flag 1889

Only in 1992, the Brazilian authorities officially approved the flag in its present form with 27 stars.

In 1960 a new star was added for the state of Guanabara, in 1968 the symbol of the state of Acre appeared. In May 1992, four more elements were added to the starry sky.


In the middle of the green rectangle is a yellow rhombus. The center of this figure is occupied by a dark blue ball, which is decorated with white five-pointed stars. They form nine such constellations:

  • Little Dog;
  • Big Dog;
  • Kiel;
  • Virgo;
  • Hydra;
  • Southern Cross;
  • Southern Triangle;
  • Octant;
  • Scorpio.

This arrangement of stars can be seen from the meridian of Rio de Janeiro if the observer were outside the firmament at 8:30 a.m. on the day of the declaration of independence. In reality, it is not possible to see it, because some constellations in the flag have broken the order of arrangement.

The flag is divided into 14 identical parts, which are called modules. It is 20 modules in length.

The final element is a white ribbon that crosses the balloon. On it is written in green letters the national motto of Brazil, “Order and Progress,” in Portuguese. It comes from the principle of positivism formulated by Auguste Comte. There is one constellation, Virgo, above the stripe; the others are placed below it.

Flag color

The composition on the flag contains four colors: green, yellow, navy blue and white. Green dominated the clothing of the Braganza dynasty, to which Emperor Pedro I of Brazil belonged. Yellow represented the royal house of Habsburg. The monarch’s wife Maria (dona Leopoldina) was descended from this family. The dark blue color, which was present in the colonial flag, displayed Brazil’s inextricable link with the past.

Meaning of colors and flag symbol

The flag has become an important symbol of the country’s independence, along with its coat of arms and anthem. The color palette conveys this meaning:

  • green – represents the Amazon forests;
  • yellow – symbolizes the vast deposits of gold;
  • blue – represents the sky and water resources of the state;
  • white – represents the country’s desire for prosperity, peace and openness.

The stars represent the states of Brazil. There are now 27 administrative-territorial units. Above the white ribbon is a star that represents the state of Pará. It is considered the largest on the equatorial axis.

Raimund Teixera Mendes replaced the sphere on the old flag with a starry sky over Rio de Janeiro. In this way he showed that the new regime did not mean a break with Brazilian history.

General information about Brazil

Official language Brazilian,

Portuguese (de facto)

Capital Brasilia
Territory 8 515 770 km2
Population 212 804 996 people
Currency Brazilian Real
Phone Code +55

Map of Brazil

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  1. Эмилия Иванова

    Комментарий от Эмилии Ивановой:

    “Бразильский флаг — это настоящая юбка с историей, полная ярких цветов и символизма! Он не только отражает культурное разнообразие страны, но и напоминает о богатой природе Бразилии. Зелёный цвет символизирует леса, жёлтый — богатства, а синий круг с звёздами погружает нас в ночь над Рио. Интересно, что на флаге изображена лента с девизом ‘Ordem e Progresso’, который говорит о важности порядка и прогресса. Очень символично, и это вдохновляет на развитие! Не терпится увидеть, как этот флаг будет гордо развиваться на международной арене!”

  2. Семенова Анастасия

    Комментарий от женщины:

    “Как интересно наблюдать за историей и значением бразильского флага! Его яркие цвета и уникальные символы действительно отражают богатство культуры и природы этой великолепной страны. Зелёный цвет символизирует леса, жёлтый – богатства, а синий круг со звездами напоминает о бескрайнем небе. Мне особенно нравится, как флаг объединяет людей и передаёт дух Бразилии. Это не просто символ, а настоящий источник гордости!”

  3. Daniel

    I remember visiting Brazil and being captivated by the vibrant flag. It truly reflected the spirit of the country! I was lucky enough to witness a parade where everyone proudly waved it. It made me appreciate the culture and unity among the people. Grateful for that experience!
