The Lao PDR is a state in Southeast Asia bordering the PRC, Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia. Laos is landlocked, unlike the rest of the region. Laos has an area of 236.8 km2 and a population of 6.5 million people.
The modern flag of Laos looks like this:

History of the Lao flag
The history of Laos begins in the 14th century: up to the middle of the twentieth century it was at times an independent state, then fell into dependence of other countries. Since 1893 it became part of the French colonial territory. In the same year the first national symbols were adopted.

Laos won its independence in 1949 and established a royal form of government. After independence, the symbol of the state was changed – the image of the French flag was removed. From that time until 1975, the country went through many trials: civil war, wars with neighboring countries. The Lao PDR suffered especially during the war between the United States and Vietnam.

Shortly after the cessation of U.S. hostilities in Indochina, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic was proclaimed in 1975. In December of the same year, Laos adopted its official flag, still in use today.

The history of Laos’ period of independence is closely related to the Soviet Union. The country has a one-party political system. The flag of the People’s Revolutionary Party bears a great resemblance to the symbol of the USSR – hammer and sickle on a red background.

The national symbol of the Lao PDR is a rectangle-shaped cloth with a 2 to 3 aspect ratio.
The flag consists of three, alternating red and blue horizontal stripes of different widths. The upper and lower ones are uniform red stripes. The central stripe is painted blue. Its width is the sum of the two red stripes, which is equal to half the width of the whole cloth.
A white circle is depicted in the central part of the blue stripe.
The colors of the Lao flag
The symbol of Laos uses three colors: red, blue, and white.
Meaning of colors and flag symbol
The red color on the flag of Laos symbolizes the spilled blood of the people in the struggle for their independence and the blue or dark blue is a symbol of prosperity and wealth.
The white circle depicted in the center of the cloth is associated with the full moon rising over the Mekong River, considered sacred to all the peoples of Indochina.
Interesting facts about the flag
On the territory of present-day Lao PDR at different times there were separate kingdoms that had their own banners.
- The Kingdom of Vientiane (1707 to 1828) is the present capital of the country.

- The Kingdom of Luang Prabang (1707 to 1893) is the administrative center of Luang Prabang Province.

- The kingdom of Champasak (1713 to 1904) was a province in southwestern Laos.

General information about Laos
Official language | Laotian |
Capital | Vientiane |
Territory | 236 800 km2 |
Population | 6 500 000 people |
Currency | Lao kip (=100 atam)
(LAK, code 418) |
Phone Code | +856 |
Когда я был в Лаосе, я заметил, как гордо местные жители вывешивают флаг. Он символизирует их культуру и единство. Это напомнило мне, как важно уважать традиции, особенно когда путешествуешь. Интересно, как флаг может объединять людей!