Malta is an island nation in the Mediterranean Sea, located near Sicily. Throughout the history of the state, the flag of Malta has changed several times.
This is what the modern flag of Malta looks like:

History of the flag
The current symbol of Malta appeared in 1964, when the country was part of the British Union, and was approved by the British Queen. The St George’s Cross appeared on it because of the bravery shown by the Maltese during the Second World War, when they were attacked by the Spanish fascists.
From the sixteenth to the late eighteenth century, a red flag with a white Maltese cross was used on the island.
During the period when the state was a Crown Colony, the flag was a blue cloth with a Union Jack in the upper left corner and a colonial badge (later replaced by a coat of arms) in the lower right. The coat of arms changed its appearance several times, but the concept remained the same.
Flag of Malta 1875-1898 -
Flag of Malta 1898-1923 -
1923 – December 28, 1943 -
December 28, 1943 – September 21, 1964
Malta was a British colony from 1813 until independence in 1964.
It consists of two parts – white at the mast and red at the far side. The stripes are arranged vertically. On the white half, in the upper left corner is the Cross of George, which has a silver color with a red outline.
Flag colors
The symbol has two colors – red and white, each of which has its own meaning.
Legend has it that the colors of the flag originated in the 12th century, when the island was liberated from the Arabs by Knight Roger I, and the Maltese made his flag the national flag.
Meaning of colors and flag symbol
The appearance of the red color is associated with World War II – it is a symbol of the courage of the Maltese, who met the enemy with dignity on their territory, as well as a reminder of all those who gave their lives in that bloody battle.
White – the memory of the struggle for independence, a symbol of freedom and a sign that demonstrates that all mistakes are in the past, and ahead of the state awaits only a peaceful bright future, which is not overshadowed by anything.
The Cross of St. George is an award for civilians for courage on the battlefield, established in Great Britain. It was not discarded after the island’s independence as a sign of remembrance of World War II.
Other flags of Malta
Malta not only has a national flag, there are also additional flags:
- the flags of the British governors of Malta
Flags of British governors of Malta 1875-1898 -
Flags of British governors of Malta 1898-28 December 1943 -
Flags of British governors of Malta December 28, 1943 – September 21, 1964 -
Flag of the Governor General 1964 – 1974
- The president’s flag, which is a blue cloth with gold crosses at the corners and the island’s coat of arms in the center;

The president’s flag is a historical tradition that was formed in the 19th century, when there was a symbol of government – the British flag with the coat of arms of Malta in the center.
- Archbishop’s flag – a cloth with vertical stripes of white and yellow;

- trade flag – a red cloth with a white Maltese cross in the center;

- Standard of Elizabeth II – October 31, 1967 – December 12, 1974;

- The Maltese Navy Huus;

- Unofficial flag of Malta 1943-1964.

Not only did the island’s flag retain its identity, but it did not give up the commemorative symbol bestowed by the Queen of Great Britain, which made it memorable.
General information about Malta
Official language | Maltese, English |
Capital | Valletta |
Territory | 316 km2 |
Population | 475 701 people |
Currency | euro |
Phone Code | +356 |
Полина Бородина:
Флаг Мальты, с его яркими цветами и историческими символами, действительно вызывает восхищение. Интересно, как он отражает богатую историю страны, ее культурные корни и значение, которое она имеет для местных жителей. Белый и красный цвета олицетворяют мир и борьбу, и я считаю, что это замечательное сочетание. Особенно впечатляет, как малтийский крест на флаге напоминает о древних рыцарях и их героических подвигах. Это флаг, который действительно рассказывает историю!
Как женщина, я хочу сказать, что флаг Мальты действительно очень интересен и имеет богатую историю. Его простота с двумя вертикальными полосами, белой и красной, символизирует мир и кровь, пролитую за свободу. Также примечателен малый герб в верхнем левом углу, который напоминает о рыцарях Святого Иоанна. Мальта — это не только красивый остров в Средиземном море, но и страна с глубокой культурой и историей, и её флаг как нельзя лучше это отражает!
Как Матвей, согласен с тобой! Я тоже обожал изучать флаги во время школьных уроков истории. Мальта действительно уникальна, и она вызывает интерес не только своим флагом, но и богатой историей рыцарей. Я мечтаю посетить этот остров и увидеть всё своими глазами!
I visited Malta last summer and loved its flag’s colors. It reminded me of my childhood trips to the beach. The white and red really stood out against the blue sky. I also learned about the history behind it; it’s fascinating how flags tell so many stories!