Flag of Sierra Leone


Sierra Leone (Republic of Sierra Leone) is a state located in West Africa. The area of the territory is 71.7 thousand sq. km and the population is 6.6 million people. The name of the country is translated from Portuguese as “Lion Mountains”.

This is what the modern flag of Sierra Leone looks like:

Flag of the Republic of Sierra Leone

History of the flag

The first reliable information about Sierra Leone dates back to the 16th century. At that time its territory was inhabited by various African tribes.

The first Europeans to visit the region were the Portuguese. They were followed by the British and in the first years of the 19th century Sierra Leone became a British colony. During the following decades, the entire territory was taken under the control of the British crown.

Флаг Сьерра-Леоне
Flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain

As for other overseas territories, by the end of the 19th century, a symbol had been developed for the country.

Флаг Сьерра-Леоне
Flag of Sierra Leone (1889-1916)

The governor also had his own symbols.

Флаг Сьерра-Леоне
Flag of the Governor of Sierra Leone (1889-1916)

After 1916 the symbol of the country and the ruler-governor took a different form.

Флаг Сьерра-Леоне (1916–1961)
Flag of Sierra Leone (1916-1961)
Флаг Сьерра-Леоне
Flag of the Governor-Governor (1916-1961)

Colonial status lasted until 1961, in which the national sovereignty was proclaimed. On April 27, 1961 a new national flag was hoisted.

For ten years after the declaration of independence, the Elizabeth II symbol for Sierra Leone and the standard of the Governor General.

Флаг Сьерра-Леоне
The Elizabeth II flag for Sierra Leone
Флаг Сьерра-Леоне
The flag of the governor general


The cloth is divided into three horizontal stripes of equal width. The colors of the stripes are distributed in the following sequence: green, white, blue. The ratio of width to length of the ensign is 2:3.

Flag colors

Three colors are used on the flag of the Republic of Sierra Leone:

  • green,
  • White,
  • blue.

Meaning of colors and flag symbol

The colors of the flag of the Republic symbolize:

  1. Green – natural resources, mountains, agriculture;
  2. Blue – clear skies and hope for peaceful times;
  3. White – unity and legality.

Other Flags

The standard of the President of the country has been developed and approved in the Republic.

Флаг Сьерра-Леоне
Flag of the President of Sierra Leone

The identifying mark (Raundel) for the Republican Armed Forces is an emblem, which has a circular shape.

Флаг Сьерра-Леоне
Emblem of the armed forces

Navy flag:

Военно-морской флаг
Navy flag

Interesting facts about the flag

The Sierra Leonean official flag is used for foreign merchant ships because it is convenient to use.

General information about Sierra Leone

Official language English
Capital Freetown
Territory 71 740 km²
Population 5,363,669 people
Currency leone
Phone Code +232

Map of Sierra Leone

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Flags of countries
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  1. Тимофей Краснов

    Как Тимофей Краснов, я хотел бы отметить, что флаг Сьерра-Леоне имеет глубокий символизм. Три цвета на флаге: зеленый, белый и синій, представляют собой разнообразие природных ресурсов, надежду на будущее и мир соответственно. Сьерра-Леоне – это не только страна с богатой историей, но и народ, который стремится к единству и процветанию. Очень интересно наблюдать, как флаг стал символом национальной идентичности и гордости для многих сьерралеонцев, особенно в свете сложных исторических событий.
